
Monday, November 3, 2014

The Book of Mormon Project - Bookmarks for your favorite scriptures along with your testimony

The CES challenged the students to mark their favorite scriptures in a Book of Mormon and then to give it to someone that they had prayed about.  We wanted to do this as a Seminary with the "Meet the Mormons" project.  We gave the students a Book of Mormon along with this handout so that they could mark the Book of Mormons at home.  Here it is:

After the students have cut out the bookmarks and the testimony box, have them highlight their favorite scriptures.  Have them place a bookmark by the favorite scripture with an explanation of why they like that scripture.  Then have them write their testimony in the testimony box and glue inside the front of the Book of Mormon.  Challenge them to pray about who they should give it to.  Make sure you make one for yourself!

Here is our "Meet the Mormons" Notebook that we put together:

For all of my Seminary ideas click here.