
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Young Women's Values - Polka-Dot Treat Bags and Napkin Rings or Bookmarks

Here are a set of treat bags and napkin rings that could also be used as a book mark.  Their is one for each of the value colors.  Just scroll down to the value that you need.  Click on the picture to make it large.  Then you can right click it to either save it into you pictures, or copy and paste it.

Here are the instructions on how to fold the treat bags:

For further instructions on how to fold the treat bags go HERE


Divine Nature

Individual Worth


Choice and Accountability

Good Works



All Values:

 I also have all the virtues in a chevron stripe.  Just click on the link below:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Young Women's Values - Chevron Striped Treat Bags and Napkin Rings or Bookmarks

Here are some treat bags and napkin rings in each of the value colors.  The napkin rings can also be used as bookmarks.  Scroll down to the one you want, click on the picture to make it larger, then either save it into your pictures, or copy and paste it.

To see how to fold the bags go here


Divine Nature

Individual Worth


Choice and Accountability

Good Works



Napkin rings / Bookmark All Values

Here's a picture of some of them folded:

I also have printouts for all the values in polka-dots.  Just click on the link below: